Frequently Asked Questions
Salt Cave Questions
We can no longer supply blankets in the Cave while this pandemic is still an issue. You are welcome to bring one if you like.
Most people fall asleep in the Cave and when you relax that is when some people get chilled.
Our Salt Cave system contains nothing artificial. It is 100% Himalayan Salt from Pakistan.
Halotherapy, or salt therapy, is an emerging type of natural therapy in the US. It is widely popular in European countries and is gaining popularity in the states. It is completely natural, drug-free, non-invasive, and safe for all ages, including children.
The Halotherapy treatment involves relaxing in a room that is encased in Himalayan salt, and during the treatment a piece of equipment, called a halo generator, grinds the salt into fine micro particles, giving them a beneficial negative ion charge, and releases into the salt room. The salty air delivers the treatment and is what makes halotherapy effective. The negative ions activate the healing process on a cellular level, helping the body restore itself naturally and effectively.
The Halogenerator is the single most important part of halotherapy. While a standard Salt Cave, natural or engineered, will have tons of beneficial negative ion emitting salt, our halo generator provides a more effective treatment in much less time. We can deliver results more quickly and effectively.
We keep our temperature in the cave around 70-73 degrees, and the humidity is held between 50-60%. This carefully regulated climate allows our cave to be completely sustainable and keeps our cave growing. There is no steam so you will not perspire during the session. Your makeup and hair will remain perfect. We have secure lockers in the lobby area to lock up your valuables.
The Cave is a quiet relaxing place for all to simply relax and breathe in the salt. Feel free to get out of the chair and play with the salt. Stirring the salt on the floor only puts more of the salt in the air for you to breathe in. Please be mindful of other guest in the Cave with you.
No food, drinks, chewing gum or candy are allowed in the Salt Cave.
One should dress in comfortable attire which would be appropriate for a public place. You may not wear shoes in our Salt Cave. Along with a hairnet we provide foot covers to put over your clean socks. Thick socks if you have trouble walking on the salt pebbles.
Absolutely, you can bring a book if you'd like, but we suggest that you simply relax and breathe in the salt. However, No Newspapers. It is dim lighting in there.
Our sessions begin exactly on the hour and therefore it is very important to arrive 15 minutes early in order to fill out paperwork, use the restroom and to put your personal belongings into our lockers.
Key Fob, Fitbits, Phones, Electronic Watches, Earphones. We know what salt does to our cars in the winter. We do not want any damage to your equipment.
If you arrive after the session has begun, you may be able to join us for the following session if we have availability. Once the door is closed we do not allow interruptions for the benefit of all of our other customers in the Cave.
There is no age limit for Salt Therapy. However, we offer our Booth Sessions for children (ages 6 mths -13). 1 Adult per 3 children (13 and under).
1st child 13 and under go in with adult free of charge in our booth. If you have a 2nd child then it’s only an additional $5.
Or you may choose to book out the room as a Private Session and bring your children and they can play in the Salt in the Cave. Children must always be accompanied by parents and reservations are required!
Float Tank Questions
The benefits of floatation therapy in float pod are plentiful and can differ from person-to-person or session-to-session depending on the circumstances of the individual at the time of the float. Some experienced floaters say that each and every float is unique. This page lists the benefits that one may gain from floating on a regular basis. Floating is great for reducing stress. Epsom salts are great for relaxing the body and aching muscles.
Accelerate healing
Accelerate mental clarity and learning
Decrease muscular tension caused by daily stresses and prolonged sitting
Deepen meditation practices
Enhances concentration and focus
Improve athletic performance
Improve circulation and reduce blood pressure
Increased immune function
Lessens blood pressure
Multiple Sclerosis
Pain relief from injuries
Reduce chronic fatigue caused by insomnia or jet lag
Relaxation response
Relieve stress, anxiety and depression
Relieves joint inflammation
Soothe chronic pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, back and neck pain, inflammation and tendonitis
Promotes calmness and relaxation
Eliminates fatigue and jet lag and enhances mental clarity
Improves sleep
Stimulates creativity
Alleviates stress and energizes and revitalizes body and mind
Reduces depression and anxiety
Stimulates left/right brain synchronization
Increases creativity and ability to problem solve
Improves visualization and deepens meditation by shifting brain waves from beta to lower frequency alpha, theta, and delta
Expands awareness, intensifies acuteness of the senses and accelerates learning
Enhances hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis
Decreases the production of cortisol, ACTH, lactic acid and adrenaline
Increases production of endorphins
Speeds up rehabilitation and recovery
Relieves pain
Boosts immune system function
Improves circulation and distribution of oxygen and nutrients
Reduces blood pressure and heart rate
Improves athletic performance, helps prevent sports injuries and speeds up the healing process Pregnant women can also benefit from some time spent in the float tank, as floating relieves the pressure caused by the added strain of carrying the baby.
All negative stimuli is removed. No traffic, no talking, no birds, no kids, no fighting, no nothing. You don’t even have to have the music or lights on. It's just you and Floating. If you have 99 things on your list to resolve, you can get most or all of them resolved in here without outside influences.
Floating helps MS by reducing inflammation, pain and muscle soreness. It does so in a few ways. First, through the absorption of Magnesium. Floating is done in 10” of water (about 175 gallons) saturated with 1000 pounds of Epsom Salt, or Magnesium Sulfate salt. Research has continued to determine the qualitative and quantitative effects of Magnesium absorption through the skin. Magnesium has been clearly identified as a lacking and deficient nutrient in our bodies. Magnesium is a key ingredient in many key processes from musculoskeletal, to neurologic, to cardiovascular to digestive, and more.
Floating helps MS by lowering blood pressure while reducing cortisol and adrenaline output. Feedback mechanisms in the brain respond to the state of relaxation that occurs during floating, which leads to reduced blood pressure and reduced adrenal burnout though minimizing the secretion of stress hormones.
Floating helps MS further by reducing stress through increasing the output of “happy hormones”. Research has demonstrated that floatation therapy elevates the secretions of both serotonin and dopamine.
Floating improves sleep. People with MS often have sleep issues. When you don’t sleep well, you don’t heal well and this distorts the immune system even further. While floating, you enter various stages of sleep and associated brainwaves, which helps the brain to rewire and repair, otherwise known as neuroplasticity.
Floating helps MS by enabling activity. Often, when you are weak and fatigued, your brain and body do not want to be active. It is easier to be sedentary. Yet, we all know that if you don’t use it, you lose it. Through the stress management, muscle relaxation, and restfulness of a float, it enables you to do that yoga class, swim those laps, take that walk, prepare that report. In short, for those with MS, floatation therapy leverages everything.
By Dr. David Berv
How does float therapy works in terms of alleviating PTSD? Here's how.
Floating for Stress Relief One of the worst symptoms associated with PTSD, and from which it is aptly named, is stress. However, flotation therapy has been proven to effectively alleviate the stressful feelings that come with PTSD episodes. All you need to do is spend between one and two hours inside a float tank and watch all your stress and anxiety disappear.
Alleviation of Comorbid Disorders Clinically, comorbid disorders refer to a group of related disorders resulting from an underlying medical condition. Sufferers of PTSD are known to experience anxiety, depression and substance abuse, conditions which float therapy can effectively alleviate. Even better, those who have been in combat situations and are seared with wounds or other physical trauma pains can greatly benefit from float therapy (Sensory Deprivation). It is important to remember that you are merely treating the symptoms and not the condition itself. However, when pain is alleviated, the patient will have nothing to agonize over during the night. Therefore, they will experience better sleep and be able to get a grip on their biological clock. Habits such as drug and alcohol use are also likely to be managed. Proponents of the float therapy believe that it promotes overall wellness of the body. As such, the sufferer is able to lead a more focused, objective and productive life.
Float Therapy Enhances Meditation It is only natural that you will be spending some quality time in the float pod. Clearly, there cannot be a better place and time to reach out to the inner you. According to various studies, meditation, coupled with other traditional therapies, has been known to greatly help manage PTSD. Thankfully, float therapy for PTSD helps create an enabling environment for meditation, setting you up on the path of recovery.
Modern life is stressful for nearly everyone. Traffic, deadlines, constant connection to technology, not enough sleep… replenishing ourselves in body, mind, and spirit is an essential part of modern wellness. Floating reduces stress, promotes relaxation, improves sleep and gives us all a chance to unplug and recharge.
Yes. In the float room has a changing area, shower, and float pod. Everything you need is here, including towel and basic amenities. The float room is your own private oasis while you’re here.
No, it’s intended to be a private experience.
If you are under 18 years old, you will need your parent’s permission. You must be at least 13 years old to float.
Take the same precautions as if you were going in a swimming pool or hot tub.
Yes. Pregnant women have reported a reduction of erratic movements of the baby inside the womb while floating. This may be due to the security felt by the baby while the mother shares a similar experience in the isolation tank. Floating is safe during pregnancy, but we must insist you consult your healthcare provider first. Most mamas really enjoy a break from carrying baby’s extra weight and an hour of deep relaxation.
People with infectious diseases and those who are epileptic (and not on controlling medication) should avoid using the tank.
You are in a private room, and most people float nude. No clothing also helps remove all stimuli. This can enhance your floating experience. However, If you prefer to wear a bathing suit, you are more welcome to.
You don’t wear anything while floating unless you really want to but it could take away from the experience.
All amenities, including shampoo, body wash, wash cloth, towel, earplugs, and hair dryer (in bathroom) are provided. You may wish to bring a hairbrush or comb, as those are personal items we do not provide.
We recommend you remove them.
You may wish to leave at home. Certainly remove prior to floating as the salt water might damage it.
When it comes to eating, we suggest a light meal 90 minutes prior so you’re neither full nor hungry. As for liquid, hydrate normally in such a way that you won’t need a restroom break mid-float.
Avoid both for at least several hours prior to your float.
While you are floating your body is actually doing a detox. Some people detox faster than others. We highly suggest you drink lots of water when you get out. If you would rather a cup of tea or coffee, we have a free cup for you in the viewing room.
No. We recommend waiting at least one week to let the color fully set. (30 days if dye is Red, Black, Dark Brown, Pinks, Purples.) We don’t want the salt affecting the color. If the color is not rinsing out when you shower and the towel has no color when you use it on your hair, then it’s usually fine to float. If it bleeds into the water then you would be responsible for the cost to change the water and 1000 lbs of magnesium (Epsom salt).
Yes. It’s extremely important to shower before using the tank to help keep it clean. You will also need to shower after to remove the Epsom salt from your skin and hair.
Before you float, you take a quick but thorough shower to remove body oils and products. When the float is over, stand up the best you can and try to wipe off as much of the water/salt from your body then you shower to remove the remaining salty residue from your skin and hair.
30-60-90 or longer, you can decide. (increments of 30 minutes)
We would like you to be out of the room within 15 minutes after the float is over (including second shower). This gives us time to sanitize and clean the room for the next guest.
If you need to put makeup on or dry your hair, the bathroom down the hall has a mirror and dryer for your use.
Yes you will definitely float! Ability to swim is not necessary as absolutely everyone floats without effort. The salt water will support weight of 1000+ pounds.
No, the high salt concentration prevents this from happening. It leaves your skin quite soft and smooth.
5 minutes before you are done, we will chime in and let you know you have 5 minutes remaining.
Yes, it’s impossible to stay underwater due to the buoyancy of the 1000 pounds of Epsom salt. Your eyes, nose and mouth will stay fully exposed.
Yes, many people safely fall asleep in the tank. If you were to turn over somehow, the salinity in the eyes would wake you immediately.
Many guests love to fall asleep in the relaxing world of a float pod. In fact, 1 hour of rest in the tank is anecdotally reported as the equivalent of 4 hours of deep restful sleep. Also, because of the high salt content, you will float completely safely whether you’re awake or asleep.
We provide a bottle of (salt free) water and a wash cloth to rinse your eyes should you accidentally touch your eyes. It’s important to keep your hands away from your eyes. In addition, earplugs are provided to keep salt out of your ears.
The salt water can sting wounds, so we provide packets of a&d ointment in the float room to cover any problem areas.
Ideally, don’t shave at least 8 hours before your float. The salty water can be irritating or be itchy if you do.
If they’re new additions, just make sure they’re fully healed. Otherwise, the saltwater will sting.
We highly encourage you to go to the bathroom BEFORE you even take your first shower. If by an emergency you have to go again while you are floating, we would rather you get into the shower to relieve yourself rather than in the float pod. Please let us know so can sanitize extra in the shower. It is easier. If you go in the float pod we have to empty the water and start over. We have a 1000 lbs of epsom salt in there and it is very expensive to maintain and or to have to empty the water and refill. If someone does go to the bathroom in our pod, there will be extra cost accrued by the floater. We know you don't want this, neither do we.
The Float Pod is large. You do not have to close the lid if you don’t want to. Most claustrophobic people do just fine in there. You can always leave at any time if you are uncomfortable.
Single and first floats can often be profound. However, there can be a bit of a learning curve requiring a few floats to feel totally comfortable. Also, floating has powerful cumulative effects and is becoming recognized as an essential part of an optimal ongoing wellness practice. Basically, floating 1 to 2 times per week will supercharge your long term physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Though it’s definitely on the rise, it’s far from new. Floating has been around for over 40 years and has been the focus of a lot of research. Check out our blog page for info and links
Along with all of our other services, we represent the highest industry standards of service, technology, luxury, and cleanliness. Every square inch of our facility was custom built with your comfort in mind, and each member of our thoughtful and caring staff is dedicated to making sure your every need is met. These elements, help you float from the moment you walk in, until the moment you re-enter the outside world relaxed, refreshed, and restored.
The high concentration of salt creates a very hostile environment for all sorts of germs and bacteria. More importantly, the water is run through a filtration and purification after each float. The water in the Float is tested at the minimum 2 times a day. Every evening there are UV lights added to the overnight cleaning process.
The 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt dissolved in the 150 gallons of water in a float tank creates the effortless part of floating. No matter your size, when you recline into the warm water, your body will float like a cork. EVERYONE floats. It's like being in the Dead Sea. You cannot sink.
It’s 95 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the same temperature as the surface of your skin. It’s neither warm nor cold, but rather very neutral.
Please call us (440) 290-0999 as we may be able to adjust your appointment time. If not, your time in the float pod will be reduced as we still need to end your float at your appointed time to ready the room for the next client.
Our float room is private with a door that can be opened any time. In other words, you are able to leave the room whenever you like. You can also turn the light off and on as you wish, or request music to help soothe you.
Yes: Sensory Deprivation Tank, Float Tank, Flotation tank and Isolation Chamber.
We require 24-hour advance notice. A $35 service fee will be charged or a Float will be deducted from your account without 24 hours notice.
I still have a question that has not been answered above.
Please send an email to debbie@thehimalayancave.com or you can call 440-290-0999 to ask.